Archive for April, 2010

3 Things God Can Not Do

April 22, 2010

1. God Can Not Lie Titus 1:2
2. God Can Not Change Malachi 3:6
3. God Can Not Let Anyone Into Heaven
Unless They Are Born Again John 3:3-5
For those of you who joined our facebook page and looked for SOS Events this is the answer to the question, What are the three things God can not do?
If you have not seen our Facebook page look for us Tom-Carolyn Curtis.
If you are not 100% sure you are going to Heaven please contact us and we will tell you how to be 100% sure.

Tom Curtis Testimony

April 11, 2010

In Joshua 1:8 the Bible talks about success. My desire in life was to be very successful.

I thought I had reached my goal, I had a good family, a great business, and all the material things I had ever dreamed of.

I had planned to take 20 of my business associates to Put in Bay for the day on my motor yacht. When we got as far as the harbor light I got a radio call from the Coast Guard. They gave me instructions to go to a land line phone and call my home.

When I called home and was told something terrible happened.

My son Nick, 12 years old had been playing at home when gas spilled on him, and someone threw a match at him. He was burned over 80% of his body and the doctors told me his chance of survival was zero.

Champion Spark plug company offered to fly him to the Boston Shrine Hospital. After 3 months, I was told when I came in to go right up as he would not be with us much longer.

I held his hand and he asked me this question, “Dad, do you know Jesus Christ personally?” My answer was, “Nick, no one could possibly know Jesus personally, because he is dead.”

Nick said, “Dad, I know him.” and died.

I was broken and 9 years went by, until a new Christian came into my office and invited me to church on Wednesday night.

The Pastor preached a sermon that I thought was all about me. When he gave the invitation, I begged God to save me.

My life was changed immediately and promised God I would serve Him the rest of my life and tell everyone I could about a relationship with Jesus.

After I was saved I took every opportunity to learn more about God and lead others into a right relationship with Jesus.

I moved around the country and ended up in Atlanta, where I suffered 5 heart attacks and was told I had 3 years to live. I was in the hospital for 3 months, lost my business, my wife and all material possessions. I spent the next 3 years studying God’s word to prepare for ministry.

God raised me up and empowered me. I met Carolyn, we were married in 2001 and God led us to start SOS Events ministry. Our goal is to teach and train Christians to be soul winners and to see as many souls saved in America as possible through our ministry.

God has provided the abundant life for us as promised in His Word. We have seen hundreds of people who have become soul winners and thousands of people saved.

Yesterday in a shopping center a young man approached me to buy some candles. I asked him this question, “Do you know the 3 things God can not do?” He said, “No.”
I pulled out a Bible tract and showed him.
God Can Not Lie. Titus 1:2
God Can Not Change. Malachi 3:6
God Can Not Let Anyone Into Heaven Unless They Are Born Again. John 3:3-3:5.
I asked, “ Are you 50, 75 or 100% sure if you died today you would go to Heaven.”
He said, “I am not sure at all.” Then he trusted in Christ as his Savior.

With this simple plan of salvation, God will use you to lead anyone, anywhere, anytime to the Lord Jesus Christ.

For more information about SOS Ministry email at or call 813-494-7512.

15 saved in 30 minutes

April 9, 2010

On Saturday, Tom and Carolyn had the privilege to work at a church in Georgetown, KY. The weather was rainy and windy but children came out for an egg hunt at the church. The plans were to set up a tent to win peole to the Lord but weather did not cooperate. Plan B was set up a table inside the church and pray for the people to come in. They came and in less than 30 minutes 14 adults and one child came to know the Lord. God sends them in. One lady,  Mary sat at the soul winning table and cried. Carolyn led her daughter, son and son-in-law to the Lord, and Tom was in prayer with the another daughter and son-in law. Mary said “Now all my prayers are answered. My whole family just got saved.”

What a blessing.  God works when we are  available.