Archive for August, 2008

From The Heart

August 26, 2008

The month of June and July have been very successful for Carolyn and me as we have traveled through many states setting up new events and updating some of our supporting churches. We went to 2 churches in North Florida and renewed friendships as well as made some new contacts. Three men were saved in a gas station as we were pumping gas. On to the Atlanta area where we had a lot of motor home problems. Flat tires, generator that would not work and so it took several days to make all the repairs. As we sat in repair shops we never missed an opportunity to tell whoever would listen the “3 things God Can Not Do.” As we lost several days because of the problems we had to move on quickly.

In PA we prearranged to meet Pastor Martens, who met us and gave us a new print machine that we now can use to design many new displays for soul winning. He personally drove from NJ to make sure we got this wonderful machine. Thank you.

On to OH were we had opportunity to be on the radio program “Daybreak” at WPOS. Jake really promoted SOS and we are thankful for the opportunity.

We stopped at a Wal-mart and a man saw our car which has our phone # on it. He called, brought his 3 adult children into the motor home and they were gloriously saved.

In Indiana we had the privilege of going downtown Marion where in about 3 hours 25 were saved. Several of the Christians that came to help had never led a soul to Christ. The next day I witnessed to an 83 year old man who came to Christ. He thought he was going to Heaven because his wife was there and prayed for him. More later…

Tom Curtis

One Saved in Our Office

August 25, 2008

Last week we had a wonderful experience in the home office. Our administrator dropped off some work to us and she brought her son and his friend with her. Tom asked the teenagers if they knew what we do. Of course, her son did but his friend had no idea.

Tom showed him the “3 things God Can Not Do” and he gladly trusted Christ as his Savior. We are so thankful that wherever we are God uses us to win souls. SOS is an exciting ministry because we see so many people saved as well as Christians that learn to lead others to the Lord.