Archive for October 29th, 2014

Happy Birthday

October 29, 2014

Today is Tom Curtis’ birthday. He is 78 years old. His life has been a life of joys and hardships. In 1980 he was saved after the death of his son, Nick.
Nick was playing at home with friends when a gasoline can tipped over and another kid through a match at him. He was burned over 80% of his body and lived for 3 months. The last day of Nick’s life he asked his Dad this question, “Dad, do you know Jesus Christ personally?”
Tom answered, “Nick, there is no way to know Jesus, He is dead.”
Nick replied, “Dad, I know Him.” And that was the last words Nick spoke, he died.
Tom was a broken man. Nine years later he was invited to church and heard the Gospel for the first time and was saved.
Tom has followed the Lord faithfully since that day and has been a successful businessman, father, grandfather, husband and friend to many.
His heart’s desire has been to be a witness to everyone he meets and together with his wife founded SOS Events Ministry.
Thousands of souls have been saved through Tom’s life and ministry.
Happy Birthday, Tom. May God continue to bless you.
If you would like to talk to Tom he is always ready to listen and pray for you. Call him at 813-784-8242.

Psalms 112:1
Praise ye the Lord.
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord,
that delighteth greatly in his commandments.